Journal Papers
- Shende S, Behzadinasab M, Moutsanidis G, BazilevsaY . "Simulating air blast on concrete structures using the volumetric penalty coupling of isogeometric analysis and peridynamics". Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. 2022. (Link)
- Abharian S, Sarfarazi V, Rasekh H, Behzadinasab M. "Effects of concrete/gypsum bedding layers and their inclination angles on the tensile failure mechanism: Experimental and numerical studies". Case Studies in Construction Materials. 17:e01272. 2022. (Link)
- Alaydin M, Behzadinasab M, Bazilevs Y. "Isogeometric analysis of multilayer composite shell structures: Plasticity, damage, delamination and impact modeling". International Journal of Solids and Structures. 252:111782. 2022. (Link)
- Li W, Moutsanidis G, Behzadinasab M, Hillman M, Bazilevs Y. "Reduced quadrature for Finite Element and Isogeometric methods in nonlinear solids". Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 399:115389. 2022. (Link)
- Bazilevs Y, Behzadinasab M, Foster J, . "Simulating concrete failure using the Microplane (M7) constitutive model in correspondence-based peridynamics: Validation for classical fracture tests and extension to discrete fracture". Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 166:104947. 2022. (Link)
- Behzadinasab M, Alaydin M, Trask N, Bazilevs Y. "A General-Purpose, Inelastic, Rotation-Free Kirchhoff-Love Shell Formulation for Peridynamics". Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 389:114422. 2022. (Link)
- Behzadinasab M, Hillman M, Bazilevs Y. "IGA-PD Penalty-Based Coupling for Immersed Air-Blast Fluid-Structure Interaction: A Simple and Effective Solution for Fracture and Fragmentation". Journal of Mechanics. 37:680–692. 2021. (Link)
- Behzadinasab M, Moutsanidis G, Trask N, Foster JT, Bazilevs Y. "Coupling of IGA and Peridynamics for Air-Blast Fluid-Structure Interaction Using an Immersed Approach". Forces in Mechanics. 4:100045. 2021. (Link)
- Behzadinasab M, Foster JT, Bazilevs Y. "A Unified, Stable and Accurate Meshfree Framework for Peridynamic Correspondence Modeling—Part II: Wave Propagation and Enforcement of Stress Boundary Conditions". Journal of Peridynamics and Nonlocal Modeling. 3(1):46-66. 2021. (Link)
- Behzadinasab M, Trask N, Bazilevs Y. "A Unified, Stable and Accurate Meshfree Framework for Peridynamic Correspondence Modeling—Part I: Core Methods". Journal of Peridynamics and Nonlocal Modeling. 3(1):24-45. 2021. (Link)
- Behzadinasab M, Foster JT. "Revisiting the Third Sandia Fracture Challenge: A Bond-Associated, Semi-Lagrangian Peridynamic Approach to Modeling Large Deformation and Ductile Fracture". International Journal of Fracture. 224:261-7. 2020. (Link)
- Behzadinasab M, Foster JT. "A Semi-Lagrangian Constitutive Correspondence Framework for Peridynamics". Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 137:103862. 2020. (Link)
- Behzadinasab M, Foster JT. "On the Stability of the Generalized, Finite Deformation Correspondence Model of Peridynamics". International Journal of Solids and Structures. 182:64-76. 2020. (Link)
- Behzadinasab M, Foster JT. "The Third Sandia Fracture Challenge: Peridynamic Blind Prediction of Ductile Fracture Characterization in Additively Manufactured Metal". International Journal of Fracture. 218(1):97-109. 2019. (Link)
- Kramer SL, Jones A, Mostafa A, Ravaji B, Behzadinasab M, Foster JT, et al. "The Third Sandia Fracture Challenge: Predictions of Ductile Fracture in Additively Manufactured Metal". International Journal of Fracture. 218(1):5-61. 2019. (Link)
- Kamensky D, Behzadinasab M, Foster JT, Bazilevs Y. "Peridynamic Modeling of Frictional Contact". Journal of Peridynamics and Nonlocal Modeling. 1(2):107-21. 2019. (Link)
- Behzadinasab M, Vogler TJ, Peterson AM, Rahman R, Foster JT. "Peridynamics Modeling of a Shock Wave Perturbation Decay Experiment in Granular Materials with Intra-Granular Fracture". Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials. 4(4):529-42. 2018. (Link)
- Behzadinasab M, Grein EA, Sepehrnoori K. "Development of a Parallel Chemical Flooding Reservoir Simulator". International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology. 16(2):111-29. 2017. (Link)
Conference Papers
- Behzadinasab M, Vogler TJ, Foster JT. "Modeling Perturbed Shock Wave Decay in Granular Materials with Intra-Granular Fracture". AIP Conference Proceedings. 1979:070005. 2018. (Link)
Technical Reports
- Rokkam S, Behzadinasab M, Gunzburger M, Shanbag S (Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc.). "Development of Novel Peridynamics Framework for Corrosion Fatigue Damage Prediction". NAVAIR Phase II.5 STTR Interim Final Report. NAVAIR Contract No. N68335-15-C-0032. 2019.
- Vogler TJ, Behzadinasab M, Rahman R, Foster JT. "Perturbation Decay Experiments on Granular Materials". Sandia National Lab. (SNL-CA). SAND2016-2537C. 2016. (Link)
- Behzadinasab M. "Peridynamic Modeling of Large Deformation and Ductile Fracture". PhD Dissertation. The University of Texas at Austin. Dec. 2019. (Link)
- Behzadinasab M. "Development and Application of a Parallel Chemical Compositional Reservoir Simulator". Master's Thesis. The University of Texas at Austin. Aug. 2015. (Link)
- Behzadinasab M. "Experimental Design of a Novel Desalination System with Vacuum Tube". Bachelor's Thesis. Sharif University of Technology. June. 2013.